2 min read

Journal #47 - Slovakia

White elongated building with the Slovakian and European Union flags flying behind an orb shaped fountain
Presidential Palace by Mr. Wanderer

Dobrý deň from Slovakia! 

We arrived in this wintery wonderland on Christmas Day! The streets were a mix of decorations and closed shops as most people were off celebrating with their loved ones. We did find a restaurant serving some yummy food that allowed us to sit back and have a slow dining experience. We dined for several hours and soaked in the holiday. Without family, a tree, or presents this year felt different from our youth.

Green and Red checked tram car with golden lettering
Bratislava Christmas Tram by Mr. Wanderer

Bratislava was not without its own holiday cheer though. All of the trees were adorned with twinkle lights, the river bank still had snow on it, and we would be remiss not to mention the Christmas Tram. One of the cars, as they do their rounds around the city, was bedecked with tinsel and festive paint. We even learned that there are international competitions for such tram decorations and this one has won awards!

Ornate pink building with tan stone columns and statues
Primacial Palace by Mrs. Wanderer

Besides the holidays we enjoyed sight-seeing around the capital, as we made Bratislava our home base for the stay. There was a beautiful church called the “Church of Saint Elizabeth” or the “Blue Church” - named such because of its pastel blue paint job, blue shingles, and even blue fence. The whole scene was charming to visit. Across the city we also found quaint cobble-stone streets and fun statues. The entire town was centered around its old-world architecture.  

Blue stone, paint, and tiled church
Blue Church by Mr. Wanderer

On our last night, we decided to stop by just one more church. It was a spur-of-the-moment, “Do you want to go inside?” question that yielded a wonderful surprise. When we crossed the threshold, we realized there was a concert going on. We found a full choir partnering with a beautiful orchestra; and they were performing Slovakian Christmas music. We just sat in the back corner and appreciated taking it all in. Guests wandered in and out, and we watched families with their children applauding enthusiastically as songs completed. It was a beautiful cherry on our holiday adventure through Slovakia.  

Arched church hall with stone flooring and packed pews with a choir at the altar
Slovakian Christmas Concert by Mr. Wanderer

Alas, we must continue to move on with our own wandering. Our next stop is known for their academic output - with a literacy rate of 99% and inventions such as the BASIC programming language, Rubik’s Cube, and ball-point pen, along with 13 Nobel prize winners. Do you have any guesses where we are off to next?  

Bronze sewer worker statue popping its head out of a manhole
Čumil Statue by Mrs. Wanderer