Journal #65 - Slovenia

Živijo from Slovenia!
This country has been adorable. The whole visit felt charming. From the castle to the bridges to the desserts. We have enjoyed our stay in Slovenia and hope you are equally as thrilled by the experience.

Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana, is said to mean "Loved One" or "Beloved" and we can see why. With origins tied to the myths of Jason and the Argonauts and known as the "City of Dragons," this place has fairytale magic tied to multiple parts of the city. Dragons are found carved into the bridges crossing through the town. A dragon was also the mascot for tours of the fort. With medieval and Ottoman influences the taverns found on both sides added to the charmed old-world feel of the city.

Besides the capital city, we also visited Lake Bled. This was a town we had heard beautiful things about (and seen pictures of it show up as computer screensavers). A bus brought us out to the countryside and we started up at the castle on the nearby hilltop overlooking the lake. On the day we visited though, the weather was not the most cooperative, so our view looking out from the castle more closely resembled a grey cloud than the water; thankfully, things began to clear up and we started catching glimpses of the aqua between the swirls of mist.

When we descended to water level, the clouds hung above us so the view opened up. Mr. Wanderer and I took advantage of the clearing to take a stroll around the lake. As we circumnavigated the vibrancy of the water increased. What looked like a muted blue pastel morphed into its iconic aqua/turquoise hue increasing in vividness as the sun burned the clouds away.

In the center of the lake is a famous island accessible by a classic Pletna Boat (wooden, flat-bottomed, modes of transportation that add character to the brief ride). On Bled Island there is a church accessed by ninety-nine stone steps. We heard (but did not verify in person) that there is a tradition for couples who wed here, for the groom to carry his bride up all ninety-nine steps. It was said to be a requirement if he wished to marry her.

The last important detail of our visit to Lake Bled was, of course, Bled Cream Cake (Blejska Kremšnita). This delicious vanilla custard sandwiched between flaky pastry and sprinkled in powdered sugar is the perfect sweet treat to nibble on while sitting in a cafe overlooking the lake. It was the icing on our delightful visit and reminded us to stop, sit, and enjoy the view.

We unfortunately cannot stay here munching on sweet treats forever. So, our bags are packed and we are headed to a country that boasts its origins as the home of Dalmations. Any guesses where we are off to next?